Register now for January 27th Virtual ParentCamp, it is going to be amazing!! ©ParentCamp, 2016-2021, All Rights Reserved
We are going to get right to it, we have an amazing line up this week with a wide diversity of topics and amazing facilitators! Our graphic for this week was so large, we had to split it into two!
Registration is open, just visit our Events page: www.parentcamp.org/events.
Please make sure you have downloaded/updated to the latest version of Zoom! Either download an update to your tablet/phone or download the update on your computer. You may ask why??? With the new version, you will be able to change rooms on your own! Even though Julie will miss seeing you all in the main room, you can now change rooms by yourself, but you need the latest version of Zoom in order to do it. She will still be in the main room if you need assistance, it is ok.
Here we go!

Room 1 [Connect] – Storytelling: Empowering Children with Special Education
Facilitator: Jenna Gerdes, Co-Author “Many Faces of Autism”, InCircle LLC
Facilitator: Lauren Spohn, Co-Author “Many Faces of Autism”, InCircle LLC

Two goofball best friends who share a love of storytelling and late night pizza, decided to start writing a children’s book. Their voices are already loud, so why not speak up for the right things like celebrating diversity? Lauren’s background in Education and English brings light to the characters and captures the reader into the story. As a social worker, Jenna has worked with children with autism and is known to do anything silly to get a laugh. These Kansas City women are driven to promote awareness and inspire connection one friendship at a time.

Room 2 [Collaborate] – Impact of Current Grading Practices and Policy on Student Motivation
Facilitator: Brad Clark (@notbradclark), CEO, Latent Talent Accelerator (@LTAccelerator)
Facilitator: Tiffany Gruen (@GruenTiff), Instructional Coach, Miles Elementary
This has been a big topic of discussion, especially now during COVID. Join Brad and Tiffany in this room to dig deep into grading practices, your input may just help to formulate policy! This is what we want, all voices at the table!

Room 3 [Strengthen] – Let’s Play with Mindsets that support health, well-being and role modeling for kids!
Facilitator: Daniel Schaffer (@DanielSConnects), Author/Speaker/Magician, Daniel Schaffer Connects LLC
Daniel has a great background story and has overcome a lot of childhood trauma. This is sure to be an uplifting discussion and you will definitely pick-up some takeaways for using with your kids.
Daniel recently spoke with the Rotary Club of Florence, feel free to check out the story as a preview.

Room 4 [Connect] – It’s Their Pandemic Too! Seeing It Through Your Child’s Eyes: Validating & Supporting Feelings
Facilitator: Samantha Johnson, MD, Organization Manager & Owner, Striving for Success Training & Consulting (@SamStrive2b)
Facilitator: Michael McGill, Director of Training Solutions, Striving for Success Training & Consulting (@SamStrive2b)
This session strives to bring you and your child closer so they know it is safe to express themselves.

Room 5 [Collaborate] – Maryland – Maryland Community Organizations as Partners in Family Engagement
Facilitator: Keri Hyde, Executive Director, Ready at Five (@ReadyAtFive) Co-Chair, Maryland Family Engagement Coalition (@MDEngageEarly)
Facilitator: Krista Respass (@krista_respass), Managing Director, Early Childhood Education Projects, Maryland Public Television (@maryalndpubtv)
Maryland is back in the ParentCamp house this week. They had a fabulous conversation two weeks ago and this is sure to be another great one!
Register now at www.parentcamp.org/events and make sure you invite a friend!
#ParentCamp #VirtualParentCamp #FSCI #FamilySchoolCommunityIntegration #FSCE #FamilySchoolCommunityEngagement #Families #Storytelling #SpecialNeeds #Autism #ManyFacesofAutism #JennaGerdes #LaurenSpohn #InCircle #GradingPractices #GradyPolicies #StudentMotivation #BradClark #LatentTalentAccelerator #TiffanyGruen #Mindsets #Health #WellBeing #ModelingforKids #DanielSchaffer #DSConnects #Pandemic #ValidatingFeelings #SupportingFeelings #SamanthaJohnson #StivingforSuccess #MichaelMcGill #Maryland #CommunityPartners #KeriHyde #KristaRespass
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/271294081002043